Affiliate with FCMF to provide national opportunities!
“The Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival (now in our 96th year) is delighted to return to the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals’ annual National Music Festival through the Local Stream Qualifying Round. GVPAF has been sending performers to the National Music Festival for decades, with many of these performers earning accolades at the National Music Festival. We are very pleased to be able to continue our association with FCMF.”
GVPAF Board of Directors
The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals [FCMF] offers Local Music Festivals in non-affiliated provinces to affiliate directly with FCMF!
Any Local Festival Association, in a non-affiliated province, may be admitted to the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals by submitting an approved, written resolution regarding membership to the FCMF Executive Director.
The privileges of membership in the Federation are:
- To have their recommended competitors take part in a qualifying round to seek recommendation to the National Music Festival;
- To attend all Meetings of Members with the privilege of voice.
The affiliation fee is $0.90 per local festival entry. This fee is only levied on music entries. Dance and Speech Art entries are exempt since the FCMF National Music Festival does not offer classes in those disciplines.
For more information on how to become an affiliated local music festival
contact Barbara at info@fcmf.org
Affiliation through this Local Stream membership level provides an opportunity for currently ineligible students to participate in our new Local Stream Qualifying Round for the FCMF National Music Festival!
This virtual competition is hosted by FCMF. Students, if recommended by their local festival adjudicator, are eligible for participation to seek recommendation to the FCMF National Music Festival.
This membership category and Qualifying Round ensures that Canada’s young amateur musicians, from coast to coast to coast, are able to compete on a national stage.