2021 FCMF National Music Festival
August 6-14   |   Virtual

The 2021 FCMF National Music Festivals’ Grand Award Competition Video

This year, the Grand Award Competition was held virtually.  Click here https://youtu.be/QrQycgeLeYA  to watch performances by the First-Place Winners in each discipline as they competed for the Grand Award Prize Package – a $5,000 cash prize form the NRS Foundation through the Victoria Foundation and a performance opportunity with Symphony New Brunswick.

The video includes greetings from the FCMF Chair and winners from the first national festival, the Centenary Festival of Music, held in 1967.  Adjudicators announce the 3rd and 2nd place winners in their discipline before the first-place winner’s performance.

An adjudicator spokesperson announces the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place winners of the Instrumental Award chosen from the guitar, woodwind, brass, and percussion performances and then the Grand Award Winner, chosen from all disciplines.

You can find the official Grand Award Competition Program at https://fcmf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021-Grand-Award-Competition-Program_separate-pages.pdf.

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