Sustaining Sponsors

Sponsors the Festival Movement at two or more levels [local, provincial, national]


Canadian Music Festivals Adjudicators' Association, CAN


National Music Festival Donors

MAESTOSO  $10,000 +

Lloyd Carr Harris Foundation, ON
Mount Allison University, Music Department, NB+

GRANDIOSO  $5,000 – $9,999

NRS Foundation through the Victoria Foundation, BC

VIVACE  $2,000 – $4,999

Dr. Phyllis Forsyth, ON
Ontario Music Festivals Association
Toronto Kiwanis Festival, ON

ALLEGRO  $500 - $1,999

Pam Allen, ON
Alberta Music Festival Association
Joy McFarlane Burton and Rick Burton, SK
Gail Carleton, NB
FCMF 2017 Delegates, CAN
Gail Asper Foundation, MB
Grand Prairie & District Rotary Music Festival, AB
Lakehead Festival of Music and the Arts, ON
Marek Jablonski Endowment Fund, AB
Wayne and Barbara Long, NB
Stephen and Penny McCain, NB
Harley and Wendy MacCaull, NS
New Brunswick Federation of Music Festivals
Oilsands Rotary Music Festival, AB
Pickering GTA Music Festival, ON
Mary Ross, AB
Sackville Brass Musicians, NB
Saskatchewan Music Festival Association
Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festivals Society, BC


ANDANTE $200 – $499

Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals
Norma Jean Atkinson, AB
Barbara Clark, ON
June Chittick, AB
Corner Brook Rotary Music Festival, NL
Thomas Davidson, QC
Rhéal and Isabel Fournier, NB
Fredericton Music Festival, NB
Charles [Mac] Jones, AB
Kiwanis Music Festival - National Capital Region, ON
Christopher Lane, NB
Karen MacCallum, SK
Wayne Madden, AB
Miramichi Regional Music Festival, NB
New Glasgow Music Festival, NS
Robin Norman, BC
Performing Arts BC Festivals Society
Prince Edward Island Kiwanis Music Festivals Association
Lynda Sharpe, PE
Judith Urbonas, MB
Wilbert and Joyce Ward, ON
Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festivals Society, BC
Ireneus Zuk, QC


FRIENDS OF THE FESTIVAL - Donations to $199

Margaret Anderson, NB
District 57 Tapestry Singers, BC
Clarenville Kiwanis Music Festival, NL
Shannon Coates, ON
Sharon Dyer, NB
Gander Kiwanis Music Festival, NL
Gérald Goguen, NB
Kathleen Keple, BC
Kiwanis Club of Carbonear Regional Music Festival, NL
Kiwanis Music Festival of St. John's, NL
Meadow Lake & District Music Festival, SK
Nove Voce Choral Society, BC
Sharon Penner, SK
Nhat-Viet Phi, NB
Sue Reedman, BC

*  as of June 30, 2018 / jusqu’à 30 juin 2018
† in-kind donations / dons en nature

Thank you for your generosity!