Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick et la Fédération canadienne des festivals de musique signent un protocole d'entente


La Fédération canadienne des festivals de musique [FCFM] est heureuse d'annoncer qu'elle a signé un protocole d'entente avec Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick [SNB].  Cette entente prévoit une prestation du lauréat du Grand prix du Festival de musique national avec Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick dans le cadre d'une saison à venir.

« Nous nous réjouissons de cette collaboration avec Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick qui mettra en vedette le lauréat du Grand prix », a déclaré Judy Urbonas, présidente de la FCFM.  « Il s'agit d'un partenariat important pour la promotion et l’avancement des jeunes musiciens canadiens émergents. »

Reid Parker, président de SNB, a dit : « Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick s'est engagée à appuyer les jeunes artistes émergents. Nous sommes fiers de présenter le lauréat du Grand prix du Festival de musique national 2021 de la FCFM lors d'une saison à venir. »

Le lauréat du Grand prix sera choisi par les membres du jury parmi tous les lauréats d'un premier prix du concours du Grand prix du Festival de musique national de la FCFM le samedi 14 août, concours qui aura lieu en mode virtuel.  Cette possibilité de se produire sur scène s'ajoute au Grand prix de 5 000 $ offert par la NRS Foundation.

Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick est le seul orchestre entièrement professionnel de la province. Desservant Moncton, Fredericton et Saint John dans les deux langues officielles, Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick est composé de musiciens professionnels, ainsi que de quelques postes de stagiaires auditionnés. Les huit musiciens principaux de l'orchestre offrent des concerts de musique de chambre et des dizaines de concerts gratuits au niveau scolaire et communautaire chaque saison. Nos musiciens ont joué en groupes individuels dans tous les coins du Canada, des États-Unis, de l'Europe, de la Chine et de l'Amérique du Sud. Renseignez-vous davantage à :

Détails concernant le prix :

  • Le lauréat du Grand prix 2021 sera présenté dans le cadre d'une saison à venir de SNB.
  • SNB communiquera directement avec le lauréat du GP pour déterminer le répertoire de sa prestation. Le répertoire pourra être sélectionné parmi le répertoire du lauréat du GP présenté lors du Festival de musique national 2021 de la FCFM ou tout autre répertoire convenu entre l'orchestre et le lauréat du GP.
  • SNB aidera l'artiste émergent à créer sa trousse d'information pour les médias, incluant sa biographie et tout autre matériel requis, et à se préparer pour les entrevues avec les médias et la publicité entourant sa prestation.
  • La prestation représente une valeur de 3000 $, comprenant notamment l'honoraire d'artiste, les frais de déplacement aérien à l'aller et au retour, le transport sur place, les frais d'hébergement pour la durée du contrat, et le temps pris pour la création de la trousse d'information et de la publicité avec l'artiste.

« La FCFM espère qu'il s'agit du début d'un partenariat à long terme entre nos organismes qui offrira aux jeunes artistes émergents des opportunités professionnelles de se produire sur scène », a déclaré Mme Urbonas.

Publiées juillet 2021

New Membership Level and Qualifying Round! En anglais seulement

The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals [FCMF] met on Saturday, October 31, 2020 to make the required Bylaw changes to allow Local Music Festivals in non-affiliated provinces to affiliate directly with FCMF!

Affiliation through this new Local Stream membership level provides an opportunity for currently ineligible students to participate in our new Local Stream Qualifying Round for the FCMF National Music Festival!  This virtual competition will be hosted by FCMF.  Students, if recommended by a local adjudicator, are eligible for participation to seek recommendation to the FCMF National Music Festival.

The addition of this membership category and Qualifying Round now ensures that Canada’s young amateur musicians, from coast to coast, are able to compete on a national stage.

For more information on how to become an affiliated local music festival, contact Barbara at

Judy Urbonas
FCFM Présidente du conseil

Posted November 4, 2020

En 2021, le Festival de musique national de la FCFM sera un concours virtuel.

Compte tenu de l'incertitude entourant les restrictions sanitaires et règles des mesures d'urgence liées à la pandémie de COVID-19, et des conséquences sur les déplacements et rassemblements publics, le comité de la FCFM et les délégués provinciaux ont pris la décision, lors de l'Assemblée générale annuelle de la FCFM, que le Festival de musique national 2021 de la FCFM sera un concours virtuel.

Les détails seront fournis dès qu'ils seront disponibles.

Judy Urbonas
FCFM Présidente du conseil

Publiées 3 septembre 2020

Festival national de musique de la FCFM 2020 annulé en raison de la pandémie mondiale actuelle de COVID-19

Le Conseil des gouverneurs et les délégués provinciaux de la Fédération canadienne des festivals de musique  (FCFM) ont pris la très difficile décision d'annuler le Festival de musique national 2020 de la FCFM en raison de la pandémie mondiale actuelle de COVID-19.

À la lumière des directives fédérales et provinciales afférentes à la distanciation sociale, plusieurs festivals de musique régionaux de 2020 ont dû être annulés. Ces annulations auront un impact inévitable sur la préparation des festivals de musique provinciaux un peu plus tard ce printemps.  La FCFM est un mouvement communautaire.  Sans les concours de niveaux régionaux et provinciaux permettant de recommander des élèves, le Festival national de musique de la FCFM ne pourra avoir lieu en 2020, même si les restrictions concernant les déplacements et la distanciation sont levées d'ici au mois d'août.

Nous sommes conscients que les jeunes qui souhaitent y prendre part, leurs professeurs, leurs familles et amis seront déçus par la décision d'annuler le Festival de musique national de la FCFM. Ce festival est un point culminant pour les concurrents qui y participent. Chaque année, cet événement est très attendu.

Alors que la FCFM doit faire face à cette période d'incertitude difficile concernant la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19 , nous avons encore des dépenses courantes. Si vous le pouvez, considérez la possibilité de réorienter le montant de votre don annuel pour aider à couvrir les dépenses opérationnelles.  Tous les dons donnent droit à un reçu aux fins de l'impôt.

La planification de l'édition 2021 du Festival de musique national de la FCFM a débuté, il aura lieu dans la ville de Sackville, au N.-B., du 8 au 14 août. Nous avons très hâte de servir les meilleurs artistes émergents du Canada lors du concours national de 2021 et dans les années à venir.

Au nom du Conseil des gouverneurs de la FCFM, je vous offre mes vœux de santé et bien-être pour les prochaines semaines et mois. Nous vous remercions à l'avance pour votre appui et votre compréhension.

Au plaisir de vous voir (et vous entendre!) lors du Festival de musique national 2021 de la FCFM à Sackville, au Nouveau-Brunswick!

Judy Urbonas
FCFM Présidente

Publiées 21 mars 2020

The Prince George Symphony Orchestra and the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals [FCMF] is very excited to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Prince George Symphony Orchestra [PGSO] in BC.  This agreement provides for the Grand Award Winner of the 2019 National Music Festival to have a performance opportunity with the Symphony Orchestra in an upcoming season.  The Grand Award Winner will be chosen by the panel of adjudicators from all the First Place Winners to the National Music Festival’s Grand Award Competition on Saturday, August 10 in Saskatoon, SK.

The Prince George Symphony Orchestra grew out of several successful collaborations of a small group of community musicians and the Prince George Cantata Singers, an adult mixed choir.  In 1969 the two groups performed Handel's Messiah.  The first conductor of the PGSO was Imant Raminsh who was recently presented with the Order of Canada Award.  Over the past almost 50 years, the Prince George Symphony has been an integral part of the early development of several young musicians who are known across Canada.  Jonathan Crowe, concert master of the TSO, Karl Stobbe, assistant concert master of the Winnipeg Symphony, and renowned bassoonist, Nadina Mackie Jackson are examples.

Today the PGSO is flourishing under the baton of Maestro Michael Hall.  The forty-five member orchestra is made up of a combination of local and invited professional musicians, local and regional semi-professional musicians and a strong cadre of local community musicians who, in varying sized groups, play a six-concert MainStage series, a Christmas special event, a three-concert Chamber Music and More series and a Kinderconcert series annually.

Details of the Prize:

  • The winner of the 2019 Grand Award shall be presented in an upcoming season of the PGSO.
  • The TBSO will communicate directly with the GA Winner to determine repertoire for the performance. Repertoire may be chosen from the GA Winner’s repertoire of the 2019 National Music Festival or as agreed upon by the orchestra and GA Winner.
  • The TBSO will assist the emerging artist to develop a media kit, including appropriate biographies and other materials as needed, as well as work with the artist to prepare for media interviews and their publicity surrounding the performance.
  • The in-kind value of the performances is $3,000; this includes in-kind value of the performance fee, flights transportation to and from the performance, ground transportation, hotel accommodations for the duration of the engagement, and time developing media/marketing with the artist.

Posted March 2019

The Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra and the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals [FCMF] is very excited to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra [TBSO] in Ontario.  This agreement provides for the Grand Award Winner of the 2019 National Music Festival to have a performance opportunity with the Symphony Orchestra in an upcoming season.  The Grand Award Winner will be chosen by the panel of adjudicators from all the First Place Winners to the National Music Festival’s Grand Award Competition on Saturday, August 10 in Saskatoon, SK.

The Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra is the only fully professional orchestra between Toronto and Winnipeg. Now in it’s 58th season, the Orchestra includes 30 full-time musicians performing a wide-ranging repertoire from the great classical masterworks to pops and children’s concerts. The TBSO strives to be the best regional orchestra in Canada, appealing to as wide and diverse an audience as possible through excellent performances and original programming.

Details of the Prize:

  • The winner of the 2019 Grand Award shall be presented in an upcoming season of the PGSO.
  • The TBSO will communicate directly with the GA Winner to determine repertoire for the performance. Repertoire may be chosen from the GA Winner’s repertoire of the 2019 National Music Festival or as agreed upon by the orchestra and GA Winner.
  • The TBSO will assist the emerging artist to develop a media kit, including appropriate biographies and other materials as needed, as well as work with the artist to prepare for media interviews and their publicity surrounding the performance.
  • The in-kind value of the performances is $3,000; this includes in-kind value of the performance fee, flights transportation to and from the performance, ground transportation, hotel accommodations for the duration of the engagement, and time developing media/marketing with the artist.
  • Posted March 2019

    NRS Foundation - Victoria Foundation GRAND AWARD WINNER for $5,000

    Performance Opportunity with the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra

    David Liam Roberts, cellist, from Winnipeg, Manitoba
    2nd Place Grand Award donated by FCMF in Honour of Pam Allen for $2,500
    Andrew Son, pianist, from Halifax, Nova Scotia


    Thank you Mount Allison University and the New Brunswick Federation of Music Festivals!



    Posted August 2018

    Founder of the Federation Designation Awarded to Pam Allen

    Pam began her involvement with festivals as a young talented student participating at the local, provincial and national levels. She was hired as Administrator by the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival in 1999 and shortly after became a member of Ontario Music Festivals Association’s Provincial Board of Directors. In that role, Pam became involved with the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals serving on many committees, then on the Executive Committee leading to President for 3 years, and Past-President for 7 years. She continues to be the administrator for both the Toronto Kiwanis Festival and OMFA. She is a strong supporter of the entire music festival system and has been around long enough to see the results of young competitors come back as inspired adjudicators, teachers and performers.

    Photo: George Rowell, President of the Board of Directors of the Toronto Kiwanis Festival and Pam Allen

    Posted October 2018

    Our new Treasurer - Christopher Lane

    The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals is pleased to introduce our new Treasurer, Christopher Lane.

    Christopher has been involved in the music festival experience from several perspectives – competitor, teacher, conductor, local treasurer, provincial treasurer, and donor.

    Christopher brings over fifteen years of experience to the role of Treasurer having worked with Orchestra London from 2000-2006 in Box Office and Marketing management and as Executive Director of Opera New Brunswick from 2006-2010. Since 2012, he has served as treasurer for several not-for-profits, including the Juno-nominated Canadian Chamber Choir.  He is Director of Music and Administration at Saint David’s United Church in Rothesay, New Brunswick.  Christopher is a member of the Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators’ Association.

    Born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, Christopher attended Western University in London, Ontario.  He returned to his home province in 2006 where he is active as a private voice teacher, choral director, adjudicator, administrator and clinician. 

    Posted December 2017

    The Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra and the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

    On June 12, 2017 Mark Turner, Executive Director of the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra (SSO), and Joy McFarlane-Burton, President of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals (FCMF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

    The advancement of young, emerging Canadian Classical artists is paramount to the endeavours of both the SSO and the FCMF; the FCMF has a long history of nourishing young talent through its country-spanning festival system and its National Music Festival, while the SSO has a passion for celebrating Canadian talent and growing and encouraging the next generation of Canadian artists.

     For the 2017 National Music Festival, the SSO and the FCMF are partnering to present a prize that is the first of its kind for this competition.  Competitions  will take place in Ottawa  August 10th and 11th on the campus of the University of Ottawa. First place winners in each discipline compete for the Grand Award on Saturday evening, August 12th.  The overall First Place winner of the Grand Award Competition shall win a performance with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra in an upcoming season as a featured Guest Artist.



    Details of the Prize:

    • The winner of the Grand award shall be presented by the SSO in an upcoming season.
    • The SSO will dialogue with the emerging artist to determine repertoire for the performance as to best fir the artist, orchestra, and concert; the winning repertoire is not necessarily what will be chosen for the performance.
    • The SSO will assist the emerging artist to develop a media kit, including appropriate biographies and other materials as needed, as well as working with the artist to prepare for media interviews and other publicity surrounding the performance.
    • The performance should take place in 2018-2019 Season, depending on the availability of the artist/orchestra; if a suitable date for all parties cannot be found in 2018-2019, they will find a performance date in the following season.

    Performance Value:

    • The in-kind value of the performance is $3600.00; this includes in-kind value of the performance fee, flights to and from the performance, ground transportation, hotel accommodation for the duration of engagement, and time developing media/marketing with the artist.

     These organizations acknowledge the uniqueness of this partnership which strives to raise the awareness and career development of an exceptional emerging Canadian artist. The two organizations are national leaders in showcasing the incredible work of young classical musicians in our country.

    While this MOU stands for the Grand Award winner of the 2017 FCMF Grand Awards Competition, both organizations acknowledge that this collaboration could be of great benefit in the future. The SSO has featured such FCMF finalists including Godwin Friesen, Bryan Allen, Danika Loren, Spencer McKnight, William Boan, Gerard Weber, Nikki Chooi, Jan Lisiecki, and many more.

    Posted June 2017

    Our new Executive Director - Barbara Long

    barbaralong_03_2012-colThe Federation of Canadian Music Festivals is pleased to introduce our new Executive Director, Barbara Long.

    Barbara has an understanding of music festivals from all perspectives - competitor, parent, teacher, local organizer, provincial administrator, donor, fund raiser, national director and host coordinator.

    Barbara is an experienced arts administrator having served in different roles within the festival movement and the New Brunswick and Canadian Registered Music Teachers’ Associations. In 2009, the Canadian Music Teachers’ Association honored her with the Hugheen Ferguson Distinguished Teacher Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to music education in Canada. Barbara is a member the Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators’ Association.

    Barbara was born and raised in Toronto, then moved to Charlottetown for a few years before marrying and settling in New Brunswick. She and her husband live on the family farm near Hartland where she has operated a private piano studio for over 30 years. Wayne and Barbara are parents to three grown children and have seven grandchildren. 

    Posted November 2016

    Gloria Nickell Receives Life Membership 

    gloriaThe Federation of Canadian Music Festivals (FCMF) is pleased to bestow Gloria Nickell with an Honorary Life membership. The presentation was made to Gloria in Edmonton during the 2016 National Music Festival.

    Gloria has a long history in the music festival system in Canada. She is a Past-President of the Rosetown Music Festival, a Past-President of the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association (2007-2008), and served from 2010-2015 on the FCMF Executive Committee.

    Gloria is appreciated for her attention to detail, proof-reading, and record-keeping. She has also worked on the FCMF Policy and Procedures Manual Committee. She has assisted as Adjudicator Liaison for the Grand Awards, as well as the follow-up of the Grand Awards, and Choral Awards.

    Congratulations, Gloria, on the receiving of this distinction. Your work for the FCMF is recognized and applauded! 

    November 2016

    Founder of the Federation Designation Awarded to Dianne Johnstone

    At thedianne_founder_edited-by-hw 2016 National Music Festival, Dianne Johnstone was awarded the honour of being named as a ‘Founder of the Federation’. This is an honour given to outstanding festival leaders who have committed themselves to the Music Festival movement in Canada. By their service to the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals and the National Music Festival, they have enriched the lives of countless young musicians.

    Individuals worthy of this honour are recommended to Federation members by the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals, and are ratified by the delegates at the Annual General meeting. Their names are forever listed annually in the Digest.

    Dianne Johnstone began her involvement in the festival movement in 1987 with the Provost Music Festival. She sat on the Alberta Music Festival Board for many years and through her involvement with Alberta she became involved with the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals. It was at this time her passion grew even more for the Festival Movement in Canada and the young musicians of Canada! In 2002 she was asked to raise funds to host the National Music Festival in Lloydminster and thus began her position as Fundraiser for the National Music Festival. Over the years 2002 – 2016 she brought in over a $1,000,000. She cherished, most of all, getting to know many of the young musicians, working with donors and the friendships she built over the years.

    Dianne began as Fundraiser at a time when FCMF was transitioning from corporate sponsorship and needing to find a new model of support. Her work and commitment helped shape FCMF into the organization it is today. As Dianne retires, we say a huge “Thank you!” and wish her well in the next stage of life.

    Posted November 2016